Top 10 Useful MagSafe Accessories for iPhone 14 in 2022!

the apple iphone 14 lineup is right here with a number of new adjustments but Max save is truthfully still my favorite attribute of all time because it literally makes my life simpler in many different methods so let'' s get started with the top 10 most helpful Max save accessories that we'' ve examined throughout the years as well as some brand-new ones number one is mothsnap Max secure instance and also I included this due to the fact that out of all the situations that we'' ve examined it by far has the greatest magnets two times as strong as apples so if you have concerns with Max secure not being strong enough this is the instance for you despite which Max secure iPhone version you have or which of the three colors you pick from and also that brings us to second which is our partner moth'' s break power set which is a mix of their budget stand as well as brand-new battery bank which is the just one on the marketplace with a good vegan leather product alongside the slim style and also it has macsafe magnets on both the front and the back so you can conveniently layer moths pocketbook back up the battery as well as turn it right into a charging stand that deals with 3 various angles which is just possible due to the fact that unlike various other battery packs mops put the USBC charging port on the side so you can use your apple iphone vertically as well as when it'' s completely topped off considering that it features pass-through charging you can take the entire collection with you on the go given that the breeze power collection is fully modular with a creative and effective design with movement in mind allowing you to conveniently interchange them if you desire to put the battery away for later use and also just use the budget stand which by the method we'' ve been making use of as well as displaying for a pair of years already considering that it not only works as a stand however it can also be used as a phone grip with a total of 15 various shades to match your brand-new apple iphone 14 shade so take a look at the moft Snap power established making use of the link in the summary below currently relocating on to number three we have the sinjamaro max secure sticker which is generally indicated to add Max 8 magnets to older phones that wear'' t have Max save so you can really utilize the maximum accessories in this video clip as well as also much better numerous individuals have actually utilized this macsafe sticker label to add magnetic wireless billing to their Android phones as well because macsafe is currently special to Apple as well as nothing else smartphone brand can match it or on the various other hand allow'' s claim you already have a case without Max magnets integrated in this would basically add Max save to any kind of case available just use the included guide to line it up around the wireless charging coils on the inside of the phone which you can locate making use of a teardown and also you'' re good to go getting involved in number 4 we have the mag disk from our sponsor Galileo gear which is the world'' s tiniest folding Max save charging stand that'' s made completely out of plated aluminum which Layer It Down secures your macsafe cable television plug while being four quarters slim as well as it unravels into a 60 level Max safe charging stand so take a look in the summary below now for number 5 we have the gooseneck Max stand that we'' ve formerly evaluated and also it'' s so helpful that we needed to show it off again this accessory essentially permits you to clamp the gooseneck down anywhere you want to such as a table top a nightstand a bed framework a video camera tripod a fence or anywhere you can perhaps visualize and also after that you simply readjust the impressively strong gooseneck right into any alignment you'' d like you can also use it for taking household photos on a timer any place you'' re at rather than having to switch individuals around to take pictures as well as most likely one of the most beneficial concept is to place the place over your bed to appreciate videos or motion pictures without needing to hold your apple iphone or perhaps better you can position it following to your laptop and even utilize it as your web cam for FaceTime by simply aiming the rear electronic camera at your face and also it'' s just 25 bucks on Amazon so it ' s really rather cost-effective too now obtaining into number six we have the significant max risk-free carbon battery charger which has actually been my single most favorite Motto accessory ever since I got one year years earlier as well as it'' s honestly so excellent that I bought a second one for my second auto due to the fact that I missed it whenever I drove it so we had to get an additional one considering that it'' s just 25 bucks on Amazon right currently and also it essentially includes whatever you need consisting of a 12 volt power adapter with an added Port the billing cord and also the max safe wireless billing Mount itself with an extremely hassle-free adjustable sphere joint for placing right into your van this Saying device has actually changed my life considering that I such as to use my iPhone naked as well as it permits me to place it alongside my steering wheel all while it actually bills my apple iphone also and for simply 25 bucks it'' s a swipe of an offer now for number seven we likewise have one more Max Conserve carvet Mount which Max has actually recently changed to instead of making use of the method T Max conserve charger like I have as well as the factor he switched was due to the fact that he actually uses Apple carplay in his truck which calls for the lightning cable to be plugged in to link so wireless charging doesn'' t actually matter to him as a matter of fact when he used to have the weighty charger his symbol 13 Pros show with dimmed down since it would overheat while using GPS so he would certainly often utilize it unplugged anyhow so the Belkin Mount was ideal for him because it includes a more powerful magnetic link and also you can quickly wrap your lightning cord around it making it more hassle-free to plug in now this one'' s a little bit extra expensive at 40 bucks on Amazon'yet it ' s made with higher build quality as well as he definitely loves it carrying on to the number 8 top Max save device it'' s actually Belkin ' s Max conserve Puck charger which is indicated to directly take on Apple'' s original Max conserve Puck since it sustains the full 15 watts of cordless billing speed yet it really charges faster in our testing of course the Belkin billing puck billed the apple iphone 12 that we examined up to 100 30 mins sooner than Apple'' s maxite version not only that however the cord is braided so it'' s better than Apples as well as it'' s 6.6 feet long rather of three on Apple'' s version making it easier to make use of and also it has a nice little band so you can extra comfortably wrap it up for taking with you on the move even much better the magnetic connection is really more powerful than Apple'' s variation given that it'' s a bit thicker as well as it comes with a built-in kickstand which is a nice little touch for number 9 we have actually esr'' s 3 in one Halo lock battery charger with cryo increase currently we'' ve examined lots of three-in-one fees prior to some at 150 and also other at 50 dollars as well as this is the most effective bang for the dollar because it'' s only sixty dollars with some unique functions like a built-in follower which they call cryoboost which cools your phone while it'' s wirelessly billing which will certainly not just boost battery longevity but it'' ll quit present dimming while billing as well as it'' ll even charge your iPhone much faster since it won'' t decrease as a result of excessive warm currently we were shocked by just how wonderful this is for the price since it uses actual genuine aluminum components it has a flexible Mount which is incredibly hassle-free it has magnetic placement mins for your air cases and also unlike many spending plan three in one Chargers it includes an included power adapter on top of that the extra spacing as well as clearance of the primary Max a charger is perfect for the substantial video camera bump on the apple iphone 14 professional so it won'' t encounter it and also the cooling follower is surprisingly quiet however can additionally be turned off in addition to the lights with this switch right below so I assume it'' s the very best 3 in one charger for the price and currently finally we have number 10 which is the Razer Max iPhone cooler which magnetically connects to the back of your apple iphone to cool it down and it really functions exceptionally well because it comes with an electronic Peltier air conditioning ceramic tile that'' s connected to an aluminum warm sink as well as follower which obtains ice cold in secs the major point of it is to stop overheating and show lowering on the iPhone while playing video games or whatever else which was a significant concern with the apple iphone 12 as well as it'' s still around a little bit today on the iPhone 14 professional and this Max iPhone cooler quits claim including on to that it also features adjustable RGB lighting as well as it uses USB kind c for power with a practical on and off switch so it'' s the very best phone cooler available which you can locate on Amazon so there you guys go those were our leading 10 beneficial Max conserve accessories for the apple iphone 14 lineup as well as certainly any various other iPhone with Max save so if you found any of those intriguing you'' ll find web links to every one of them in the video clip description and pinned comment below once more thanks to moft and also Galileo gear for collaborate on this video clip make sure to click the circle switch to subscribe and also we'' ll see you in the next video clip [Songs]

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